Friday, December 15, 2006

Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong

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For the urban development project in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, see Melbourne Docklands.

A satellite picture of the Victoria Harbour

A satellite picture of the Victoria Harbour
The night view of the Victoria Harbour with the skyscrapers in Central behind, viewed from Tsim Sha Tsui

The night view of the Victoria Harbour with the skyscrapers in Central behind, viewed from Tsim Sha Tsui
Victoria Harbour viewed westward from North Point, with Hong Kong Island on the left and Kowloon Peninsula on the right.

Victoria Harbour viewed westward from North Point, with Hong Kong Island on the left and Kowloon Peninsula on the right.

Victoria Harbour is the harbour between the Kowloon Peninsula and the Hong Kong Island of Hong Kong, China. With an area of about 41.88 km² as at 2004, its natural depth and sheltered location enticed the British to occupy the Hong Kong Island during the First Opium War, and subsequently established the colony as a trade post.

The harbour is famous for its spectacular panoramic views, and is in itself a top tourism attraction. It is a natural focal point of the territory, and considered a crucial natural geographical element for city dwellers. This sense of geographical attachment is most notably demonstrated in recent years, when the Government's efforts to undertake reclamation projects in the harbour were met with widespread popular protests, despite reclamation work having taken place in the harbour for the past one and a half centuries.

Boundaries of the Harbour

On the East: A straight line drawn from the westernmost extremity of Siu Chau Wan point to the westernmost extremity of Ah Kung Ngam point (sometimes known as Kung Am).

On the West: A straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Hong Kong Island to the westernmost point of Green Island,thence a straight line drawn from the westernmost point of Green Island to the southeasternmost point of Tsing Yi, thence along the eastern and northern coastal lines of Tsing Yi to the westernmost extremity of Tsing Yi and thence a straight line drawn true north therefrom to the mainland.

Port facilities

Victoria Harbour is home to most of the port facilities of Hong Kong, making Hong Kong amongst the world's busiest. An average of 220,000 ships visit the harbour each year, including both ocean going vessels and river vessels, for both goods and passengers. The Kwai Chung Container Terminals in the western part of the harbour is the main container handling facility, operating round the clock and handling about 62 percent of the 21,930 TEUs handled by the territory in 2004. Some 400 container liners serve Hong Kong weekly, connecting to over 500 destinations around the world.

For many years until 2004, Hong Kong handled the most containers (measured by TEUs), but it faces competition from the ports in nearby Shenzhen in recent years, with the ports in Shenzhen combined handling more containers than the Kwai Chung terminals since August 2004 [2]. Overall, the Hong Kong port has also lost out to the Port of Singapore in containers handled, with Singapore's port outpacing Hong Kong's since the first quarter of 2005.


Meridian Star (午星號) of Hong Kong Star Ferry crossing Victoria Harbour

Meridian Star of Hong Kong Star Ferry crossing Victoria Harbour

There is no bridge crossing the harbour, but three cross-harbour tunnels: Cross Harbour Tunnel (opened 1972), Eastern Harbour Crossing (1989), and Western Harbour Crossing (1997). They connect Hong Kong Island and the Kowloon Peninsula across Victoria Harbour. The three tunnels act as important linkages between the Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.

Three MTR routes also have tunnels under the Harbour. They are namely:


The Star Ferry has been crossing the harbour since the late 1800s. The operated ferry routes today are: Central to Tsim Sha Tsui; Wanchai to Tsim Sha Tsui; Central to Hung Hom and Wan Chai to Hung Hom. Some other regular ferry services also operate in the harbour.

The Hongkong and Yaumati Ferry Company used to operate numerous cross-harbour routes between various piers of Kowloon and Hong Kong Island. Many of the routes are now operated by First Ferry. Some of the piers no longer exist because of reclamation projects, or many of the routes became unprofitable. Currently, the company continues to operate vehicular ferry services for vehicles carrying dangerous goods that are prohibited within tunnel crossings.

For international passenger traffic and traffic to mainland China and Macau, there are two ferry terminals, namely Hong Kong-Macau Ferry Terminal and Hong Kong China Ferry Terminal, and a terminal for cruises, the Ocean Terminal. Another cruise terminal has been proposed.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


A groyne (groin in the United States) is a method of coastal defense against erosion. Groynes are structures running perpendicular to the shoreline. They go across a beach and into the sea. Groynes are usually made of wood, concrete or, most commonly, piles of large rocks. The effect of a groyne is to accumulate sand on the updrift side where longshore drift is predominantly in one direction. They are effective at causing the deposition of beach material on the one side, but there is a corresponding loss of beach material on the downdrift side, requiring that another groyne be built there.

Groynes are extremely cost-effective coastal defense measures, requiring little maintenance, and are one of the most common coastal defense structures. However, groynes are increasingly viewed as detrimental to the aesthetics of the coastline, and face strong opposition in many coastal communities.
A guide to managing coastal erosion in beach/dune systems
General description
Groynes are cross-shore structures designed to reduce longshore transport on open beaches or to deflect nearshore currents within an estuary. On an open beach they are normally built as a series to influence a long section of shoreline that has been nourished or is managed by recycling. In an estuary they may be single structures.
Rock is often favoured as the construction material, but timber or gabions can be used for temporary structures of varying life expectancies (timber: 10-25 years, gabions: 1-5 years). Groynes are often used in combination with revetments to provide a high level of erosion protection.

Recently built rock groyne at estuary mouth, constructed in association with beach renourishment of adjacent foreshore.
Groynes reduce longshore transport by trapping beach material and causing the beach orientation to change relative to the dominant wave directions. They mainly influence bedload transport and are most effective on shingle or gravel beaches. Sand is carried in temporary suspension during higher energy wave or current conditions and will therefore tend to be carried over or around any cross-shore structures. Groynes can also be used successfully in estuaries to alter nearshore tidal flow patterns.
Rock groynes have the advantages of simple construction, long-term durability and ability to absorb some wave energy due to their semi-permeable nature. Wooden groynes are less durable and tend to reflect, rather than absorb energy. Gabions can be useful as temporary groynes but have a short life expectancy.
Groynes along a duned beach must have at least a short “T” section of revetment at their landward end to prevent outflanking during storm events. The revetment will be less obtrusive if it is normally buried by the foredunes.
Beach recycling or nourishment (Summaries 5 and 7) is normally required to maximise the effectiveness of groynes. On their own, they will cause downdrift erosion as beach material is held within the groyne bays.

Groyne planshape

Long section

Cross section
Groynes can have a significant impact on the shoreline, and schemes should always be undertaken under the supervision of a competent coastal consultant. Information on the design of rock structures is available from the CIRIA/CUR “Manual on the use of rock in coastal and shoreline engineering” with further detailed guidance on the use of groynes found in the CIRIA “Beach Management Manual”. The accompanying figures provide initial guidance but this should be confirmed for each site. Temporary structures can be formed using sand bags (Summary 6) or gabions (Summary 8), although gabions can be more to remove or relocate than rock.
As with all rock structures on the shoreline the rock size, face slopes, crest elevation and crest width must be designed with care. Rock size is dependent on incident wave height, period and direction, structure slope, acceptance of risk, cross-sectional design, and the availability/cost of armour rock from quarries. In general 1-3 tonne rock will suffice for the landward parts of the groynes, provided that it is placed as at least a double layer, with a 1:1.5 to 1:2.5 face slope, and there is an acceptance of some risk of failure. Larger rock, probably 3-6 tonne, may be needed for the more exposed body and seaward head of each structure.
Randomly dumped rock with a high void to solid ratio is hydraulically more efficient than placed and packed rock. However, rock structures on recreational beaches should be built with a view to minimising the potential for accidents involving beach users slipping between rocks.
The groynes should be built prior to nourishment, with the rocks being laid into a shallow trench. On gravel beaches a geotextile is not normally required, as upward sediment migration is less important than on a sand beach. The groyne berm should be built to the anticipated crest level of the beach. The groyne berm length should equal the intended crest width of the updrift beach. The groyne should extend down the beach at a level of about 1m above the anticipated updrift shingle beach, normally at a slope of about 1:5 to 1:10. The groyne head should extend down into the sand beach, allowing for some future erosion. On a shingle beach there is not significant benefit to creating any novel head extensions
The groyne-dune interface may need additional protection to reduce the possibility of outflanking. Short lengths of revetment, longer on the downdrift side, will ensure greater resistance to storm erosion. Where a high degree of erosion protection is required it may be necessary to construct a full rock revetment (Summary 14) to provide a fixed line of defence along the shoreline.
As a general rule, groynes should not be built on an open beach unless construction is accompanied by a commitment to regular recycling or nourishment. Without this commitment the groynes are likely to cause downdrift erosion as the upper beach becomes starved of sediment. Where there is a plentiful sediment supply, or where downdrift erosion is not considered to be a significant issue, then recycling may not be required.
Groynes should normally only be considered for beaches with a significant proportion of gravel. Structure length should extend across the full width of the steeper upper beach, allowing for beach reorientation after construction and recycling/nourishment. Further extension across the sandy lower beach is generally not effective as the sand will be transported over and around the groynes as suspended load. Groyne lengths should be reduced at the downdrift end of a series to reduce the tendency for local erosion.
Groyne spacing will depend on the nearshore direction of the dominant waves and the expected orientation of the upper beach after construction. The design of larger schemes should make use of numerical models to assess the optimum lengths and spacings.
Within estuaries groynes are used primarily to deflect tidal flows away from an eroding shoreline. To be effective structures must be large, both in elevation and lengths. Impacts can be significant on other areas of the estuary, and are difficult to predict with certainty. The services of specialist estuary consultants should be commissioned at preliminary appraisal stage.
Construction costs are mainly dependent on structure dimensions, but can be heavily influenced by the availability of suitable rock (or other material), transport and the associated costs of recycling or nourishment. Rock structures can be assumed to have an unlimited life with respect to economic assessments.
Groynes have a significant impact on the landscape and can create barriers to the recreational use of the upper beach. They often cause downdrift erosion unless there is a long term management commitment to beach recycling or nourishment. Downdrift erosion may well lead to pressure for further defence works.
Timber groynes must be built from hardwood to endure the harsh shoreline environment. Much hardwood comes from tropical sources, making it both costly and potentially environmentally unacceptable. Timber groynes tend to reflect, rather than absorb, wave energy making them significantly less effective than rock on exposed coasts. They are also more likely to structural failure due to formation of scour channels around their seaward ends.
Best practice and environmental opportunities
Provided that groynes are used in appropriate locations, they reduce dependency on regular recycling or nourishment, and therefore reduce future disturbance of the shoreline environment. Localised accumulations of beach material will encourage new dune growth. Recycling, fencing and transplanting will help to keep the revetment sections buried, thereby enhancing habitat regeneration.
All dune management schemes should observe the following guidelines to maximise the probability of success and minimise impacts on the natural and human environment:
Each dune erosion site must be considered independently, with management approaches tailored to the specific site.
A policy of “Adaptive management” (Summary 1) should be considered for all sites before other options are assessed.
Work should not be undertaken unless the beach-dune system and nearshore coastal processes have been monitored over several years and a reasonable understanding of the physical and natural environment has been established. Hasty responses to erosion may prove to be either unnecessary or damaging.
No work of a permanent nature should be undertaken unless important immovable or irreplaceable backshore assets are at risk.
Local interest groups, such as landowners, nature trusts, fishing associations and recreational users, should be consulted early to ensure that a broad view of the shoreline and nearshore zone is considered prior to implementing any particular management approach.
Consideration must always be given to both long term “average” and short term extreme weather and sea conditions to determine the life expectancy of any operations.
Consideration must be given to the consequences of failure, such as construction debris spread along the beach, public safety hazards, loss of amenity access, deterioration of the landscape, etc.
Work should be planned and scheduled to limit damage to fragile ecosystems and to recreation. Consideration should be given to vegetation, bird nesting and migration, intertidal invertebrates, fisheries, public access, noise levels and public safety.
All site staff must be made aware of the need for careful working practises to avoid environmental damage, and to avoid hazards associated with steep and unstable dune faces.
Temporary or permanent management access routes to the dune face for materials, equipment and labour must be planned and constructed to minimise trampling damage to the dunes and to limit the formation of blowouts. Boardwalks or other temporary surfaces should be laid and should follow the natural contours of the dunes rather than cutting straight lines susceptible to wind erosion. Fencing should be used to stabilise sand adjacent to the track.
Public access routes to the beach should be clearly laid out and fenced where necessary to prevent trampling that may lead to blowouts.
Educational displays at backshore car parking areas or along footpaths should be used to explain management schemes and encourage public interest and support for the management objectives.
Warning signs should be set up highlighting the dangers of unstable dune faces, any construction work in progress or any other hazards associated with the management schemes (gaps in rock structures, slippery algal growth, buried defences, submerged structures, mud deposits, etc)
Post project monitoring should be undertaken at least bi-annually to assess the beach-dune evolution and the success of the scheme relative to the objectives. Appendix 2 of this guide provides monitoring guidelines.
In addition to these general guidelines, the following are of specific importance to groynes:
Further guidance on the design of rock structures is available from the CIRIA/CUR “Manual on the use of rock in coastal and shoreline engineering” and from the CIRIA “Beach management manual”.
Groyne construction should normally be accompanied by an ongoing programme of beach recycling or nourishment. Regular monitoring and management is required to establish a successful scheme. Monitoring must include adjacent shorelines as well as those immediately within the groyne scheme.
Groyne heights, lengths and profiles can be modified if monitoring indicates that the initial layout is not achieving the required objectives. Modification is easier to achieve with rock structures than with timber. Any observed storm damage, such as displaced rocks, should be rectified during maintenance operations.
Timber used for groyne construction should be derived from sustainably managed forests.
Groynes in estuaries may need navigation marks to ensure public safety.
Where possible fencing and transplanting should be undertaken to establish a new line of foredunes along the stabilised upper beach. These dunes will enhance the coastal landscape, provide additional erosion protection and re-establish a natural succession of dune habitats from the shoreline to the backshore.
The use of local rock should not be a requirement of design unless there are genuine landscape considerations, such as adjacent rocky outcrops; even in this instance local rock should only be used if it is readily available in the size range required and is a sound material for coastal construction.
The use of builder’s rubble is unlikely to ever be appropriate for dune management. Most material is too small to be effective and will be drawn down the beach during any significant storm. The rubble may contain material that is either hazardous to beach users, toxic or simply unattractive. Large concrete slabs may be acceptable from an engineering perspective but are unlikely to meet approval with respect to their landscape impact or their safety for use in a public area.


In engineering, a caisson is a retaining, watertight structure used, for example, to work on the foundations of a bridge pier, for the construction of a concrete dam, or for the repair of ships. These are constructed so that the water can be pumped out so the working environment is dry. When piers are to be built using the open caisson and it is not practical to reach suitable soil, friction pilings may be driven to form a suitable sub-foundation. These piles are connected by a foundation pad upon which the column pier is erected.
Shallow caissons may be open to the air, while deep caissons to penetrate soft mud may be sealed at the top and filled with compressed air to keep water and mud out at depth. An airlock allows access to the chamber. Workers move mud and rock debris (called muck) from the edge of the workspace to a water filled pit, connected by a tube (called the muck tube) to the surface.
A crane at the surface removes the soil with a clamshell bucket. The water pressure in the tube balances the air pressure, with excess air escaping up the muck tube. The pressurized air flow must be constant to ensure regular air changes for the workers and the height of the water in the muck tube must be carefully regulated to prevent unnecessary overpressure or low pressure which could allow excessive inflow of mud or water at the base of the caisson.
The caisson will be brought down through soft mud until a suitable foundation material is encountered. While bedrock is preferred, a stable, hard mud is sometimes used when bedrock is too deep.
Caisson disease is so named since it appeared in construction workers when they left the caisson and had rapid decompression. It is caused by the same processes as decompression sickness in divers. The Brooklyn Bridge was constructed with the help of caissons, and several workers died of caisson sickness.

Caissons have also been used in the installation of hydraulic elevators where a single stage ram is installed below the ground level.

Types of caisson
The four main types of caisson are box caisson, open caisson, compressed-air caisson and monolith caisson.
Box caissons are pre-fab concrete boxes with sides and bottom. They are set down on a pre-prepared base. Once in place they will be filled with concrete to become part of the permanent works, for example the foundation for a bridge pier. One problem with box caissons is that hollow concrete structures do in fact float (see WWII concrete ships) and so they must be ballasted or anchored to prevent this until they can be filled with concrete.

Open caissons are similar to box caissons except that they do not have a bottom face. They are suitable for use in soft clays (e.g. in some river-beds) but not for where there may be large obstructions in the ground.

Compressed-air caissons have the advantage of providing dry working conditions which are better for placing concrete. They are also well suited for foundations for which other methods might cause settlement of adjacent structures.

Monoliths are as their name suggests larger than the other types but are similar to open caissons. They are often found in quay walls where resistance to impact from ships is required.


A wharf is a fixed platform, commonly on pilings, roughly parallel to and alongside navigable water, where ships are loaded and unloaded. The word comes from the Old English hwearf, meaning "heap," and its plural is either wharfs, or, especially in American English, wharves; collectively a group of these is referred to as wharfing or wharfage.
One false backronym claims that "wharf" stands for WareHouse At RiverFront.
In the northeast of England the term staithe or staith (from the Norse for landing stage) is also used. Dunston Staiths in Gateshead is one such example.

Well known wharves
Canary Wharf, London, England, part of the London Docklands and now redeveloped into commercial space which contains the 3 tallest buildings in Britain.
Salford Quays, Salford, is an area at the end of the Manchester Ship Canal.
Circular Quay, Sydney, Australia, apart of the Sydney central business district, Circular Quay is a popular attraction and major transporting hub in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia.
Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California, USA, now redeveloped into a tourist area with stores and restaurants in addition to serving its maritime purpose.

Derby Wharf, Salem, MA
Derby (1762), Hatch's (1819) and Central (1791) Wharves in Salem, Massachusetts are the last of the 50 wharves which lined Salem harbor. They are part of the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, the only remaining intact waterfront from the US age of sail. In 1790, Salem was the sixth largest city in the country.
Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui of Hong Kong, formerly a series of wharf, now developed into a cruise terminal and shopping malls owned by The Wharf.
Burnley Wharf, Southampton, England.

Port of Antwrep: The Advantages of a Mainport

Port equipment
Number of conventional shore cranesNumber of floating cranes and derricks (only port authority)Number of bulk cargo gantry cranesNumber of container gantries
Number of on-shore grain elevatorsNumber of tugs for seagoing ships (docks and Scheldt)
A detailed overview of the port's equipment can be found in the Statistics section.

Port lay-out
The Port of Antwerp occupies an area of 13,057 ha, 7,239 ha of which are in use on the Right Bank of the Scheldt and a further 5,818 ha are in the course of phased development on the Left Bank. Of the total area occupied by the port on both banks of the Scheldt, about 2,200 ha is water surface. When both dockside and river berths are included the overall useful berth length is roughly 150 km. Half of this is suitable for deep-draught ships. 400 km of roads and about 1,113 km of railway track ensure the smooth arrival and departure of goods. Every berth is equipped with 2 to 5 rail spurs and most warehouses and sheds close to the docks have direct rail connections.

Right Bank
The opening of the Berendrecht Lock in 1989 was the crowning achievement in the development of the Right Bank dock complex. It is the largest lock in the world with a length of 500 m between the lock gates, a width of 68 m and a depth of 13.50 m, making the sill depth at mean high water 17.75 m.Since 1989, the Right Bank has been further developed on the banks of the Scheldt outside the dock complex. Two large new container terminals have been opened here. The first was the Europe Terminal, which started operations in 1990, while the second, the North Sea Terminal, welcomed its first ship in early 1997.Older areas of the port are currently being modernised as needs dictate to make them suitable for modern cargo handling operations. One project has been the upgrading of the Amerika Dock, the Albert Dock and the Third Harbour Dock to make them accessible to Panamax ships, which have a draught of 42'.On the right bank of the Scheldt the Delwaide dock was modernised to be able to welcome the latest generation of container vessels. The MSC Home Terminal is a partnership between PSA Hesse-Noord Natie and MSC. It covers the entire southern part of the Delwaide dock. The terminal is the European hub for the services provided by Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC). Thanks to a total quay length of more than 2 km, several ships can be handled at the same time. By the end of 2006 the MSC Home Terminal will have an annual capacity of more then 3.6 million TEU.

Left Bank
The Left Bank is currently in full development. In the first phase a gross area of 4,360 ha is being developed, with priority being given to the expansion of port and industry. In addition to this a northern expansion zone of roughly 1,440 hectares is planned.The motor of the development of the Left Bank has been the Vrasene Dock. The dock offers 4.5 km of berths, and the terminals that have been built around it specialise in forest products, fruit juice concentrates, cars and plastic granulates. As all the available space around the Vrasene Dock, on the port's Left Bank, is fully occupied, work was started in 1996 on the construction of the Verrebroek Dock.The total quay length will be 5 km, of which 3.1 km is already available.The sites will be used for modern handling and storage installations suitable for a wide range of products, thus ensuring that Antwerp will be able to retain its dominant position in non-containerised general cargo well into the 21st century.

Deurganck Dock
Container freight continues to be the main engine of the Port of Antwerp's growth, and in 2005 it expanded by 9.2% to 74.6 million tonnes or 6.5 million TEU. During the past few years the volume of container traffic in the port has grown by around 10% annually, with the result that the existing container terminals on the right bank of the Scheldt have now reached their maximum capacity. The first terminal of the Deurganck dock was opened on July 6th 2005. When it's fully operational more then 6 million TEU can be handled in the Deurganck dock.For more information on the Deurganck dock:


The words stevedore, docker, and longshoreman can have various waterfront-related meanings concerning loading and unloading ships, according to place and country.

The word "stevedore" (and Dutch stuwadoor) was brought from Spain or Portugal by sailors. It started as a phonetic spelling of Spanish estibador or Portuguese estivador = "a man who stuffs", here in the sense of "a man who loads ships", which was the original meaning of "stevedore"; compare Latin stipāre = "to stuff".

As a result, the word "stevedore" has become proverbial for a man with a lot of muscle, as in "The ballet troupe found that in the off-season their best male dancer had been working on an oil rig for the money and came back looking like a stevedore."

The work of the men who load and unload ships
In Britain, such men are usually called dockers while in the U.S. the term longshoreman is used, derived from "along-the-shore man".

Loading and unloading ships is skilled work that needs operating loading equipment, the proper techniques for lifting and stowing cargo, and correct handling of hazardous materials.

In earlier days, men who load and unload ships had to tie down cargoes with rope. A special form of stop knot is called the stevedore's knot. The methods of securely tying up parcels of goods is called stevedore lashing or stevedore knotting.

While loading a general cargo vessel, they use dunnage, which are pieces of wood (or nowadays sometimes strong inflatable bags) set down to keep the cargo out of any water that might be lying in the hold or are placed as shims between cargo crates to keep them from shifting during a voyage.

They are expected to be physically strong and able to follow orders.

Traditionally, stevedores would have no fixed job and turn up at the docks in the morning hoping to find someone willing to employ them for the day. London dockers and Deal porters called this practice "standing on the stones". In Britain, due to changes in employment laws, such jobs have either become permanent or have been to converted to temping jobs.

[edit] USA word usage
In usual present-day USA waterfront word usage, a stevedore is a man or a company who manages the operation of loading or unloading a ship. A stevedore typically owns equipment used in the loading or discharge operation and hires longshoremen who load and unload cargo under the direction of a stevedore superintendent.

Sometimes the word "stevedore" is still used to mean "man who loads and unloads a ship", as British "docker".

Because they work outdoors in all types of weather, these workers adopted a type of cap that has a snug fit, is warm, and is easily put away in a pocket. These are a type of beanie or watch cap called variously stevedore's cap or stevedore's hat.

Today, a commercial stevedoring company also may contract with a terminal owner to manage all terminal operations. Many large containership operators have established in-house stevedoring operations to handle cargo at their own terminals and to provide stevedoring services to other container carriers.

Two unions within the AFL-CIO represent longshoremen in the United States: the International Longshoremen's Association, which represents longshoremen on the East Coast, on the Great Lakes and connected waterways and along the Gulf of Mexico, and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, which represents longshoremen along the West Coast, in Hawaii and Alaska, and, through an affiliate, in Canada.

UK word usage
In the United Kingdom, the definition of a stevedore varies from port to port. In some ports, only the highly skilled master of a loading gang is referred to as a "stevedore".

"Docker" is the usual general term used in the UK for a man who loads or unloads ships and performs various other jobs required at a sea port.

Australian word usage
In Australia, stevedores / dockers were historically referred to as wharf labourers and were colloquially called wharfies. The Maritime Union of Australia has coverage of these workers, and fought a substantial industrial battle in the 1998 Australian waterfront dispute to prevent the contracting out of work to non-union contractors.

New Zealand usage
New Zealand usage is highly similar to the Australian version; waterfront workers are also known as "wharfies." The 1951 New Zealand waterfront dispute, involving New Zealand stevedores, was the largest and bitterest industrial dispute in the country's history.

Famous stevedores
Famous ex-stevedores include comedian Artie Lange (although he refers to himself as an ex-longshoreman), Irish-American author Frank McCourt, actor Chief Dan George, and author / philosopher Eric Hoffer.

The film, On the Waterfront starring Marlon Brando, is a famous portrayal of longshoremen and their working conditions. It is thought to be partially based on real events.

Pelabuhan Internasional Bojonegara

28 Oktober 2003
Pelabuhan Internasional Bojonegara

Pelabuhan Bojonegara dirancang sebagai pelabuhan modern yang mampu memberikan pelayanan setara dengan pelabuhan kelas dunia lainnya dan mempunyai kedalaman hingga – 16 MLWS. Pelabuhan ini direncanakan mulai beroperasi pada tahun 2007 dan dipersiapkan untuk mampu melayani kapal-kapal ukuran besar (post panamax type, cape size type, kapal petikemas dengan kapasitas angkut di atas 5.000 TEUs hingga 8.000 TEUs).

Bojonegara International Port (BIP) terletak di perairan yang dalam dan tenang di Teluk Banten dekat dengan Selat Sunda. Berada pada lokasi yang strategis, BIP akan berperan sebagai hub port di wilayah Indonesia bagian barat bagi perdagangan Asia Pasifik.

Hinterland BIP meliputi wilayah Jawa bagian barat yang mencakup propinsi Jawa Barat, DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Wilayah ini dikenal sebagai daerah yang memiliki pertumbuhan ekonomi paling tinggi di Indonesia, dengan kontribusi GDP 30 %. Pada tahun 2002, ketiga provinsi tersebut menyerap penanaman modal asing sebesar US$ 4,4 milyar atau 45% dari total penanaman modal asing di Indonesia, sedangkan penanaman modal dalam negeri sebesar Rp 9,6 trilliun atau 38,4% dari total penanaman modal dalam negeri.

Sebagai pelabuhan modern, BIP nantinya akan dilengkapi berbagai infrastruktur pendukung yang meliputi jaringan jalan tol dan kereta api. Jaringan tersebut menghubungkan pelabuhan dengan kawasan-kawasan industri sehingga memperlancar distribusi barang.


BIP dimaksudkan untuk mengantisipasi pertumbuhan arus barang yang terjadi pada hinterland JABOTABEK, Banten dan Jawa Barat yang saat ini masih dilayani secara terbatas di Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok, Ciwandan/Cigading dan Cirebon, dengan kapasitas yang akan dikembangkan secara bertahap sesuai tingkat pertumbuhan tersebut.

BIP mencakup areal seluas 500 ha dengan desain pelabuhan yang terintegrasi dengan kawasan industri dan perdagangan. Pelabuhan ini direncanakan mencakup pengoperasian container terminal, multipurpose terminal, ro-ro terminal, dry-bulk terminal dan liquid-bulk terminal. Selain itu terdapat fasilitas pendukung kegiatan kepelabuhanan dan kawasan industri yang berada dibelakang area pelabuhan.

Dengan kelengkapan fasilitas tersebut, BIP dirancang untuk dapat menghadirkan pelayanan yang terintegrasi dan dikembangkan menjadi pusat logistik dan distribusi di wilayah barat Indonesia.


Secara keseluruhan pada tahap akhir (tahun 2025), BIP akan memiliki 5 terminal antara lain terminal petikemas, terminal multipurpose, terminal ro-ro, terminal curah cair dan terminal curah kering dengan dermaga sepanjang 3.500 m, container yard 96 ha. Desain terminal petikemas akan dilengkapi dengan lapangan penumpukan seluas 18 ha, serta dilengkapi dengan container crane sejumlah 24 unit dengan kapasitas terpasang sebesar 2,4 juta TEUs.

Pembangunan tahap I BIP (tahun 2003-2010) akan meliputi terminal petikemas dan jalan akses pelabuhan yang menghubungkan BIP dengan toll Jakarta-Merak. Pada akhir pembangunan tahap I, BIP diharapkan akan memiliki fasilitas dermaga petikemas sepanjang 300 m, container yard 15 ha dari 30 ha yang dialokasikan, gudang penumpukan 5.000 m2, lapangan penumpukan 3 ha, container crane 2 unit, RTG 6 unit, reach stacker 2 unit dan head truck 10 unit. Sedangkan throughput petikemas diperkirakan sebesar 153.000 TEUs pada tahun 2010.

Pembangunan tahap II (jangka menengah 2010-2014) meliputi pembangunan terminal multipurpose, terminal ro-ro, lapangan penumpukan dan penambahan alat dan lapangan pada terminal petikemas.

Pembangunan tahap III (jangka panjang 2014-2025) meliputi perluasan terminal petikemas, terminal general cargo dan special dedicated wharves.


BIP dioperasikan dengan membentuk sinergi operasional yang positif dengan Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok dan melayani celah pasar yang belum dilayani, aksesibilitas yang tinggi dengan kawasan industri sekaligus akan mengurangi kepadatan transportasi dan distribusi di Jakarta. Dengan demikian, BIP diharapkan mampu memenuhi keinginan pengguna jasa di masa mendatang secara lebih baik.

BIP menawarkan jasa-jasa kepelabuhanan yang komprehensif disertai dengan usaha meningkatkan efisiensi operasional, sehingga dapat mengurangi waktu kapal di pelabuhan atau port turnaround time. Hal ini akan dapat menekan biaya transportasi bagi para pengguna jasa pelabuhan yang pada akhirnya mampu memberikan kontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional.

Kecepatan pelayanan dan fasilitas mutakhir akan menjadikan BIP pilihan bagi pelayaran internasional maupun regional sebagai hub port baru untuk wilayah Indonesia.


Dengan sejumlah keunggulan dan komitmen untuk pengembangan ke depan PT Pelabuhan Indonesia akan membuka peluang bagi para pelaku usaha untuk berpartisipasi dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan Pelabuhan Internasional Bojonegara. Konsepsi pembangunan pelabuhan yang terpadu dengan lahan industri di belakangnya serta dukungan Pemerintah Daerah terhadap BIP akan lebih mendukung kelangsungan investasi jangka panjang bagi industri dan perdagangan. Partisipasi yang ditawarkan meliputi pembangunan dan pengelolaan pelabuhan, fasilitas pendukung sampai dengan pembangunan dan pemanfaatan kawasan industri di belakang area pelabuhan.

Keyfacts (tahun 2025)
Luas lahan (termasuk kawasan industri) 500Ha, Panjang Dermaga 3.500m, kedalaman alur –16 LWS, kedalaman kolam bervariasi –10, -12 dan –16 mLWS, luas container yard 96 Ha, Luas Open storage 84 Ha, luas warehouse 5 Ha, Container Crane 24 Unit, Rubber tyred gantry crane 72 unit, reach stacker 6 unit, head truck 120 unit

Tonkin and Taylor

Coastal and Ports

Variables in the coastal and port engineering equation are complex. The environment is delicate, but also hostile and destructive. Work in this area requires balance and a particular level of expertise. At Tonkin & Taylor we provide that balance and skill set.

Our multi-disciplinary, specialist team of scientists, engineers and planners has an international track record. Our expertise provides appropriate solutions to coastal projects, statutory consents and engineering issues. That means security. Your project will be handled methodically and comprehensively, from feasibility assessment through consents, design and construction to rehabilitation and environmental monitoring.

We tailor our services to suit client requirements. Typical services include:
Planning – Coastal hazard mapping, preparation of statutory plans, integrated coastal zone management, port master plans, peer reviews, expert evidence and submissions.
Investigations – Field investigations, coastal process assessments, study of coastal impact effects, hazard assessments, numerical modelling, laboratory testing and analysis.
Monitoring – Shoreline movement, coastal process, sea state and water quality measurements.
Consents – Consultation, achieving compliance with environmental legislation, assessment and auditing of environmental effects and expert evidence.
Design and construction – Feasibility studies, value engineering, detailed design and supervision or maritime structures and protection works.

Coastal Hazard Identification and Management – We have carried out coastal erosion and inundation assessments for individual areas as well as entire regions, covering 100’s of kilometres. These studies involve a range of investigative techniques and GIS mapping tailored to our clients needs and budget, and require consideration of existing hazards as well as climate change effects. Many studies include development of appropriate mitigation, either using planning tools or physical works.

Oriental Bay Foreshore Restoration – Preliminary and detailed design of a multi award winning $7.5m foreshore restoration. The upgrade involved bringing in more than 22,000 tonnes of sand, building sand control reefs, and adding a wave platform, a pier, new toilet and changing facilities, a new playground, access steps down to the beach, and at-sea stormwater outlets to prevent the sand from washing into the sea. The beach's total sand area is now four times larger than before.

The project has won the following awards:
NZ Institute of Architects Urban Design award, 2004
NZ Institute of Landscape Architects George Malcolm Supreme Award, 2004
NZ Recreation Association Outstanding Project Award, 2004
NZ Contractors Federation Caltex Construction Award, 2004
International Federation of Landscape Architects Excellence Award, 2004
Association of Consulting Engineers NZ Gold Award of Excellence, 2005
Wellington Civil Trust Award, 2005
NZ Year of the Built Environment Award winner, 2005
NZ Institute of Architects Supreme Award, 2006.
Westport – Port Klang, MalaysiaWestport is Malaysia’s leading private seaport is located at Port Klang on its west coast. It handled 2.91 million TEU’s in 2005 and anticipates more than 3.4 million TEU’s in 2006. Due to significant growth as well as an increasingly important transhipment market, shipping volume is increasing significantly requiring major growth of this facility. T&T were engaged to provided detailed design of maritime and geotechnical aspects of a 4 km port and wharf extension, including eight new container terminals, dredging and reclamation.

Coastal ManagementManaging coastal erosion in a cost effective and sustainable manner that improves natural character and public amenity is the holy grail of many local authorities. T&T has been involved in many such coastal erosion assessments and satisfactory design and planning solutions, ranging from dune management and replanting, beach nourishment, bio-engineering as well as the more traditional protection methods, often combining beach nourishment and/or vegetation buffers with structural controls to improve the stability of the protection system.

For more information contact Richard Reinen-Hamill.

7th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries

The 7th International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC) will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 24th to 28th February 2008. Given the ambitious pace of development projects in the region, and most particularly in the Gulf, this conference is highly significant as it is aimed at bringing together international scientists, engineers and coastal managers to discuss the latest achievements and developments of relevance to coastal and port engineering in the developing countries.

The meeting will also enable developing countries to have a sustainable human resource pool of coastal and port development and marine environment professionalsThe event, which will attract nearly 1000 professionals, is organised by Dubai Municipality in cooperation with the Brussels-based International Navigation Association (PIANC), which is a non-profit organisation that merged with COPEDEC to promote the maintenance and operation of inland and maritime navigation.

I hope the upcoming conference would be a major boost to international coastal and port engineers as well as scientists and it will provide them an opportunity to showcase coastal projects in their countries and build capacity in countries in transition in this important field of engineering. We look forward to your participation in this important conference in the dynamic city of Dubai.Hussain LootahActing Director General Dubai Municipality

The success of the First International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEC), held in Colombo, Sri Lanka, in March 1983, resulted in the creation of a Permanent Secretariat to organise this special conference once every four years. Subsequent Conferences were held in Beijing, China (1987), Mombasa, Kenya (1991), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1995), Cape Town, South Africa (1999), and Colombo, Sri Lanka (2003).

During the COPEDEC VI conference in Colombo on September 19 2003, a Merger Agreement between PIANC, the International Navigation Association and COPEDEC was signed and consequent to this agreement, a new International Organizing Committee (IOC) was formed in order to continue the proud tradition of the former COPEDEC conferences.

The Seventh International Conference on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (PIANC-COPEDEC VII) being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates from 24 to 28 February 2008, will be the first COPEDEC Conference to be held under the aegis of PIANC.

The active mission of the PIANC-COPEDEC Conferences isa) to provide an international forum where coastal and port engineers from developing countries can exchange know-how and experience amongst themselves and with their colleagues from industrialised countries; andb) to enable the developing countries to have a sustainable human resource pool of coastal and port development professionals.

The overall theme for PIANC-COPEDEC VII is" Best Practices in the Coastal Environment".The emphasis on technical subjects remains. Papers will focus on practical applications and managerial and environmental aspects of coastal and port engineering in developing countries, including documentation of case studies. Provision will be made to accommodate poster papers and hold an exhibition pertaining to the scope of the Conference.

Fellowships ......

To meet the main objective of the conference a greater number of fellowships than at previous conferences will be made available by the main sponsor.

All professionals and scientists living and working under a local labour contract in a developing country, as well as students from developing countries, are entitled to apply for fellowships. The fellowships will only be provided to individuals on application, not to institutions. Fellowship Application Forms may be downloaded from the conference website. Prospective Fellows are encouraged to solicit other local funds first, as in principle only part funding will be given. Participants able to partially support themselves through own or other funding will be given preference by the Fellowship Awards Committee.

Exceptions are possible for needy participants. Funding is restricted to international air transport, conference registration fee and accommodation. Funding will be provided primarily for authors and emphasis will be on young active professionals.

Chairmen of technical sessions and invited key persons are also eligible for fellowships.The former Permanent Secretariat has decided to use surplus funds from previous conferences to award five fellowships in the memory of the late Summa Amarasinghe, to authors of Sri Lankan origin living and working under a local labour contract in a developing country. Each application will be evaluated by the Fellowship Award Committee against a set of criteria to determine the level of funding to be granted.

Those interested are requested to fill and submit the Fellowship Application Form which can be downloaded from the conference website to the given address before 10 February 2007. Applicants will be informed in mid-May 2007 whether their applications were successful. Additional Fellowships are being arranged by PIANC and other sponsors.


The Port of Bordeaux introduces hydrographic techniques and working methods, which usefully contribute to:
The safety of navigation,
The monitoring of dredging,
Site development studies.

It provides the most favourable operational conditions for its accesses, which reducing the costs of dredging.

The port of Bordeaux can advice and assist for:
Analysis of needs,
Means to be introduced,
Bringing equipment into service,

Its most recent assignments
The port of Dakar (Senegal),
The port of Abidjan (Ivory Coast),
The port of Kamsar (Guinea),
The Congo Joint service for maintenance and navigable waterways,
The Directorate of Ports & Maritime Public Domain of Morocco,
The Public Studies and tests Laboratory (Morocco),
The port of Calcutta (India). Contact : ou Tél : 33 (0)5 56 90 59 65

The Port of Bordeaux has developed a recognised expertise as master contractors for marine and port works.The multi-disciplinary teams of the Port of Bordeaux can undertake :
study contracts for improvement works for the modernisation of your port,
the design of your works and the control of their construction.

It can also of assistance for both administrative and technical dossiers. Savoir faireCompeting on the world markets, the Port of Bordeaux has won many contracts. It was retained for the design and construction of numerous works, such as :
Mooring dolphins,
Over water quay construction renovation,
Nautical Halts,

Port back-up and storage areas.
On shore :
Port back-up and storage areas,

Its most recent achievements :
Port works at Pauillac (floating bridge) and Langon (water lift) for the river transport of the A380.
Cruise liner jetty at Fort-de-France
Re-engineering of the central sector of Fort-de-France : (over water quays)
New container terminal at Pointe des Grives in Fort-de-France : Quays, dredging, reclaiming and dykes
Constructions of berths for axial fore and stern ramp ferries at Le Verdon and Royan Contact for engineering : ou Tél : 33 (0)5 56 90 58 74

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Harbor: Definition

A harbor or harbour (see spelling differences), or haven, is a place where ships may shelter from the weather or are stored. Harbours can be man-made or natural. A man-made harbour will have sea walls or breakwaters and may require dredging. A natural harbour is surrounded on most sides by land.

Harbours and ports are often confused. A port is a man-made coastal or riverine facility where boats and ships can load and unload. It may consist of quays, wharfs, jetties, piers and slipways with cranes or ramps. A port may have magazine buildings or warehouses for storage of goods and a transport system, such as railway, road transport or pipeline transport facilities for relaying goods inland.

Natural harbours
A natural harbour is a landform where a part of a body of water is protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage. Natural harbours have long been of great Military strategy and economic importance. Many of the great cities of the world are located on a natural harbour.

Ice-free harbours
For harbours near the poles, being ice-free is an important advantage, ideally all-year round. Examples are Murmansk (Russia), Petsamo (Russia, formerly Finland), Hammerfest, Vardø, and Prince Rupert (Canada).

Temporary harbours
Sometimes a harbour is needed where one isn't available due to damage, such as in times of war. In this case a temporary harbour may be built and transported in pieces to the required location. The most notable of these were the two Mulberry harbours used during the D-Day invasion of Normandy in World War II.

Notable harbours
The following places are large natural harbours:

San Francisco Bay in the United States
Mumbai or Bombay in India
Charleston in the United States
Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States
Kingston, in Jamaica
Sydney Harbour in Australia
Manila Bay in the Philippines
Rio de Janeiro, Guanabara Bay, in Brazil
Bahia, Salvador, in Brazil
Halifax in Canada
Cork in the Republic of Ireland (Cork Harbour)
Falmouth in Cornwall, the United Kingdom
Poole Harbour in Dorset, the United Kingdom
Freetown Harbour in Sierra Leone
Pearl Harbor, west of Honolulu, Hawaii
Oslofjord, Norway
Vancouver, Canada
Artificial harbours are frequently built for use as ports. The largest artificially created harbour is located in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Other notable harbours include:

Antwerp in Belgium
Hamburg in Germany
Hampton Roads in Virginia, United States
Keppel Harbour in Singapore
Upper New York Bay in New York Harbor, United States
Victoria Harbour in Hong Kong, People's Republic of China (see also List of harbours in Hong Kong)
Manukau Harbour, Auckland, New Zealand
Kaipara Harbour, New Zealand
Trondheim, Norway
Portland Harbour in Dorset, England
Belem harbour at Guajara Bay,eastern Amazonia,[Brazil]
Kahului, Hawaii

Port: Definition

(pôrt, pōrt)
  1. (Abbr. Pt.)
    1. A place on a waterway with facilities for loading and unloading ships.
    2. A city or town on a waterway with such facilities.
    3. The waterfront district of a city.
  2. A place along a coast that gives ships and boats protection from storms and rough water; a harbor.
port, a natural or artificial harbor and its terminal facilities for the transfer of goods and passengers to or from waterborne means of transport. Port cities are located on oceans, lakes, rivers, and canals in places where access to the hinterland provides a large volume of commerce. The importance of a port depends on the availability of transportation and on the extent of terminal facilities such as wharfs, storage space, and machinery.

A port is a facility for receiving ships and transferring cargo to and from them. They are usually situated at the edge of an ocean or sea, river, or lake. Ports often have cargo-handling equipment such as cranes (operated by stevedores) and forklifts for use in loading/unloading of ships, which may be provided by private interests or public bodies. Often, canneries or other processing facilities will be located very close by. Harbor pilots are often used to safely maneuver large ships in tight quarters as they approach and leave the docks.

The terms "port" and "seaport" are used for ports that handle ocean-going vessels, and "river port" is used for facilities that handle river traffic. Sometimes a port on a lake or river also has access to the ocean, and is then referred to as an "inland port". A "fishing port" is a type of port or harbor facility particularly suitable for landing and distributing fish. A "dry port" is a term sometimes used to describe a yard used to place containers or conventional bulk cargo, usually connected to a seaport by rail or road.

The presence of deep water in channels or berths, the provision of protection from the wind, waves and storm surges and access to intermodal transportation such as trains or trucks are critical to the functioning of seaports and river ports.

Cargo containers allow for efficient transport and distribution by eliminating the need for smaller packages to be loaded individually at each transportation point, and allowing the shipping unit to be sealed for its entire journey. Standard containers can just as easily be loaded on a ship, train, truck, or plane, greatly simplifying intermodal transfers. Cargo often arrives by train and truck to be consolidated at a port and loaded onto a large container ship for international transport. At the destination port, it is distributed by ground transport once again.

Ports and shipping containers are a vital part of modern Just in Time inventory management strategies.